Download Goblins, Dames, Booze & Bullets by Lawrence BoarerPitchford (.ePUB)+

Goblins, Dames, Booze & Bullets: Memoirs from a Parallel Universe by Lawrence BoarerPitchford
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 819KB | Retail
Overview: In the filthy and corrupt metropolis of New Gate, Max Draber works his trade. There are few scandals that he’s not in the middle of, and many lonely lovers whose mates have strayed that require his services.

Once an effective bronze working in the city’s slum of Goblin Town, his moral compass took a beating. So, like a wayward soul, he makes his living now off the underbelly of the cold city streets. Then, a young goblin prostitute is murdered on his doorstep, and Max is launched into a tumble straight into New Gate’s bent politics, ruthless mobsters, and black market in ancient magic relics.

Take a walk in the gum-shoes of Max Draber, P.I. A tales straight out of the pages of Memoirs from a Parallel Universe.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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