Download Goblin Girls Do It Better II by Misty Vixen (.ePUB)

Goblin Girls Do It Better II by Misty Vixen
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 223 KB
Overview: Lucas Mead-Slayer thought he had seen it all.

Then he stumbled into goblin tribal warfare while looking to visit an old friend. Now, his entire life has changed. He’s the chieftain of the newly reformed Vrix Tribe, he has three goblin wives, and has dived headfirst into the responsibility of fathering a lot of children with his new fellow goblin girl tribemates.

Life is good, but darkness lurks on the horizon. The tribal wars aren’t over, the village has not been properly rebuilt, and the forest is still a dangerous place. But if he can track down the mythical Heart of Peace, it might just help him turn the forest into a serene paradise. Although it’s going to be hard to focus with so many lusty goblin girls arguing for his attention…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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