Download Global Circulation of the Atmosphere by Tapio Schneider (.ePUB)

The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere edited by Tapio Schneider, Adam H. Sobel
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 18 MB
Overview: Despite major advances in the observation and numerical simulation of the atmosphere, basic features of the Earth’s climate remain poorly understood. Integrating the available data and computational resources to improve our understanding of the global circulation of the atmosphere remains a challenge. Theory must play a critical role in meeting this challenge. This book provides an authoritative summary of the state of the art on this front.

Bringing together sixteen of the field’s leading experts to address those aspects of the global circulation of the atmosphere most relevant to climate, the book brings the reader up to date on the key frontiers in general circulation theory-including the nonlinear and turbulent global-scale dynamics that determine fundamental aspects of the Earth’s climate. While emphasizing theory, as expressed through relatively simple mathematical models, it also draws connections to simulations with comprehensive general circulation models. Topics include the dynamics of storm tracks, interactions between wave dynamics and the hydrological cycle, monsoons, tropical and extratropical dynamics and interactions, and the processes controlling atmospheric humidity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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