Download Glimmer Quest series by Katherine Kingston (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Glimmer Quest series by Katherine Kingston (Books #1~#2)
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Overview: I’m really very ordinary, you know, so it’s hard to know what to say here. I’m a mom and a grandma. I do laundry and clean house (well, sometimes) and wash dishes like everyone else. I grew up in New York (the city, that is) and moved to North Carolina some thirty years ago. I discovered books early and buried myself in them as much as possible as a child and a teenager. I still love sinking into a good book and getting swept away. I’m an unabashed reader of genre books. I love mysteries, romance, science fiction and fantasy. Horror, not so much. I wrote my first short story at the age of ten, but I didn’t take up writing seriously until many years later. I love the Medieval period and did a great deal of research into it while in college, even though it wasn’t my field. That’s why my historical erotic romances are set in that period.
Genre: Fiction, erotic Romance


Silver Quest (Glimmer Quest)
Book 1 of the Glimmer Quest series The king of Serendonia falls victim to an accidental wound that refuses to heal, and his lands and people suffer its effects as well. In searching for a cure, the king discovers that a set of magical objects might have the power to heal himself and his kingdom, if they can be retrieved. Stories tell that the journeys to retrieve the items are difficult and dangerous, testing the questers in many ways. The king’s oldest daughter, Princess Riva, undertakes the first journey, to retrieve the silver platter. Her magical powers are slight, but she has a fierce will and some competence with a sword. She finds her way to the island where the platter is kept, but then the real testing begins. To help her in the journey to the castle that is home to the object, she’s also granted a pair of guides. Daniel is a handsome, if somewhat cool and aloof man. Leinad is part-beast and part-man, furry and clawed, but gifted also with a warm, caring heart. Together the two help her make the journey and survive the tests. Along the way, they teach her sensual delights beyond even those she’s imagined and dreamt of, and a level of discipline she isn’t sure she can tolerate. Their love and discipline will help her grow to be the person worthy of the power the platter holds. Choosing her lifemate may be the most agonizing and challenging test of all.(

Bronze Quest (Glimmer Quest)
The King of Serendonia suffers from an injury that won’t heal. Legend says three magical objects might cure him, but they’re difficult to obtain. Nonetheless, the king’s three children vow to find and retrieve them. The king’s oldest daughter has returned with the silver platter, and now it’s time for her brother, Prince John, to leave on his own quest for the second object, the bronze lance. The journey promises to hold tests of his courage, honor, loyalty, strength and endurance. The night before he leaves, a strange woman appears to him in the darkness. Her frightening, ferocious beauty terrifies him. When she tells John she is his destiny and he’ll be coming to her, it makes the prospect of the quest all the more terrifying. Her touch sears him like a brand, bringing both pain and ecstasy. John sets out on a journey that will take him up the side of a mountain, through a series of sexual adventures, into dangerous confrontations with creatures that aren’t what they seem, beyond terror and courage to an unexpected destiny with his dark lady.

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