Download Glimmer of Christmas by Heather G. Harris (.ePUB)

Glimmer of Christmas by Heather G. Harris
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 MB
Overview: When Amber DeLea darkens my door a few days before Christmas, I’m expecting trouble. Instead, her orphan ward, Jade, has lost her Christmas stocking, and Amber wants me to find it. Simple, right?

Meeting little Jade strikes a cord in me, and suddenly I find I’ll do anything to make sure she still has a Christmas were she still believes in Santa. I can’t let her down.

I’m a truth-seeker on a mission, and if I can find the stocking and fit in a date with the sexy dragon shifter Emory as well, then even better…

A feel-good Christmas novella. Fluff abound. Best enjoyed with a mince pie and hot cup of tea.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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