Download Get It Done by Steve Xavier (.ePUB)

Get It Done: 39 Tips to Increase Productivity Instantly and Stop Procrastination! by Steve Xavier
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 76.30 KB
Overview: Do you want to be more productive and stop procrastinating?

Do you feel like there’s not enough time in the day to get things done?

Or is your day surrounded with distraction after distraction?

Do you spend your free time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & SnapChat when you know you should be working on more important tasks?

Are your workdays filled with meaningless meetings and a mountain of emails in your inbox?

Or do you mindlessly surf the web for hours on end and by the time you know it, you don’t know where the time has gone?

Then you may need to learn how to better prioritize your day to accomplish your most important and meaningful goals.

In this book, you’ll learn 39 powerful techniques that can be used to increase your productivity.

Unlike other self-help books that can be vague, these detailed actionable tips are realistic and can be applied to your life within minutes. You’ll get more done, cut down on procrastination, and accomplish your goals.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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