Download Geisha in Rivalry by Kafu Nagai (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Geisha in Rivalry: A Tale of Life, Love and Intrigue in the Shimbashi Geisha Quarter by Kafu Nagai
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 1.8MB
Overview: Rivalry tells a sweeping story in which sexual politics compete with sisterly affection in a world ruled by material transaction. Komayo is a former geisha who, upon the death of her husband, must return to the “world of flower and willow” to escape poverty. A chance encounter with an old patron, Yoshioka, leads to a relationship in which both lovers hope to profit: Yoshioka believes Komayo can restore his lost innocence; Komayo plans to use Yoshioka’s patronage to compete in the elaborate music and dance performances staged by her fellow geisha.
Genre: General Fiction


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