Download Geek Sweets by Jenny Burgesse (.ePUB)

Geek Sweets: An Adventurer’s Guide to the World of Baking Wizardry by Jenny Burgesse
Requirements: Any ePUB Reader, 149mb
Overview: The ultimate guide to creating 60 confections for the legions of geek fans out there − from Star Wars to Game of Thrones to Harry Potter and much more!
Geek Sweets is organized so even a beginning baker can have success. It’s a baking cookbook full of beautiful photographs, with easy baking recipes for the ‘truly geeky’. Geek Sweets is filled with cupcakes recipes, easy cookie recipes, and that special cake pops recipe.
Geek Sweets delivers step-by-step how-to’s for every adventurer─from the squire just starting a journey, to a well-worn dragon slayer looking for a challenge. Geek Sweets also includes theme party ideas with cocktail recipes and a companion website with printables to enhance all of your geeky gatherings, including your Game of Thrones viewing parties, as well as theme party ideas with fantasy-adventure themes.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Cookbooks, Food & Wine › Baking


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