Download Game of Edges by Bruce Schoenfeld (.ePUB)

Game of Edges: The Analytics Revolution and the Future of Professional Sports by Bruce Schoenfeld
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 986 KB
Overview: The story of how a new generation of tech-savvy franchise owners is reshaping every aspect of professional sports.

In the last two decades, innovation, data analysis, and technology have driven a tectonic shift in the sports business. Game of Edges is the story of how sports franchises evolved, on and off the field, from raggedly run small businesses into some of the most systematically productive companies around.

In today’s game, everyone from the owners to the marketing staff are using information―data―to give their team an edge. For analysts, an edge is their currency. Figuring out that bunting hurts your offense? That’s an edge. So is discovering metrics that can predict the career arc of your free agent shooting guard. Or combing through a decade of ticket-buying data to target persuadable fans.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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