Download Gabriel series by Mike Evans (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Gabriel series by Mike Evans (#2-3)
Requirements: EPUB, MOBI Reader, 1.44 MB
Overview: Mike Evans lives in Iowa with his wife and children. He writes for character depth because he wishes for you to love the character, regardless if they are the villain or the hero. He likes to write from a unique perspective, doing things with books that no one has done before. He keeps his characters realistic, there are no superhero like events that will happen. There are no perfect characters in his books, everyone has their flaws much like that of life.
Genre: Fiction, Crime, Thriller, Mystery

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Pitch Black (#2)
Gabriel has been living a double life for years. A killer for hire, a loving father and husband. When the two worlds collide, he must do everything and anything he can to keep his family safe. There is no length that Gabriel will not go to, so that he can keep them safe. When Gabriel tries to retire, Allah’s hand finds out his real identity and mark him for death. Discover what happens in this epic, high octane sequel. Gabriel II: Pitch Black

Body Count (#3)
Gabriel’s life was finally going the way that he wanted it to, that is until his wife Addison unknowingly took his place forever changing his future and experiencing a pain he had thought he’d never go through again since losing his parents and sister. Gabriel is now fueled with a maddening desire for revenge and begins making decisions that he normally would only do upon meticulous planning. Now Gabriel, Mikey, and Forsyth are all on the run. Find out what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted!

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(#1) – viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=1056289&hilit=Mike+Evans

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