Download Free Flight by Bel Blackwood (.ePUB)

Free Flight by Bel Blackwood (Small Town Sparks Book 3)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 1 MB
Overview: They thought it was just a fling.
They were wrong.
Introverted screenwriter Layla has one rule: never hook up with the same woman twice. Relationships? No thanks. The thought of letting anyone get too close to her is terrifying. It’s better to be alone than to get hurt.
But when she sets down in New Zealand for the movie shoot of a lifetime, she takes a chance: an anonymous no-strings-attached hookup with a thrilling older woman.
It’s fine. It’s not like they’re ever going to see each other again.
Except… her one-night stand turns out to be her brand new coworker. They’re forced to work together.
Layla’s rule is there to protect her. But as she gets closer to Kora, the walls around her heart start crumbling.
How can you tell when your shields are the things that you need protecting from?
All that professional falconer Kora wants to do is to rescue injured birds of prey in the wild mountains of New Zealand. But when a shady business partner steals her savings, she’s forced to take an animal handler job on a movie set.
It should be straightforward. Then her one-night stand with the captivating eyes shows up again. As her coworker.
Birds are simple. People are complicated. Layla acts cold, but Kora knows what she’s like when she lets down her guard. Cute. Funny.
Kora is used to loving brilliantly independent creatures—and then letting them go.
How can you tell when you need to hold on to what you love?
Genre: Romance FF


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