Download Foxden Acres by Madalyn Morgan (.ePUB)

Foxden Acres by Madalyn Morgan (Sisters of Wartime England Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 505 kb 2023 Reissue
Overview: Bess saw a man carrying a little girl in a pink nightdress run past. The child dropped her teddy bear and began to cry, ‘Daddy, stop!’. But he didn’t hear her above the noise of wailing sirens and collapsing houses. Dazed, Bess watched her old lodgings groan and lurch to the left. Then the stairs she had walked up so many times collapsed, one on top of the other, until there was nothing left but dust.

1939. Bess Dudley’s life is filled with possibility. As the daughter of the groom at historic Foxden Hall, she has worked hard to secure a sought-after teaching position in London. Then, on a visit home for the holidays, Bess reconnects with handsome and aristocratic James Foxden, whom she has loved since childhood. There’s a new spark between them and Bess travels to London with James’s card and joy in her heart.

The war casts a shadow over Bess’s bright future. In London, she’s confronted with the daily threat of terrifying air raids and vicious attacks on her Jewish friends. To make matters worse, Bess’s teaching career abruptly ends around the time she discovers James is engaged to the beautiful and wealthy Annabel Hadleigh.

Returning to Foxden Acres, Bess dedicates herself to the war effort as a Land Girl, a far cry from the life she had envisioned. It’s back-breaking work, but she’s surprised to find she’s becoming friends with Annabel, despite her enduring love for James.

In a world torn apart by violence, Bess is forced to make an impossible decision, all while keeping a dark secret of her own. Is her love for James worth risking everything she’s built for herself from the ashes of her old life? And without James – without Foxden – would she have anywhere left to call home?
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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