Download Forever Mine by S.R. Torris (.ePUB)

Forever Mine by S.R. Torris
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 192 KB
Overview: The War ended in 2020AD but the fighting continued long after, dividing the world and the denizens of NuMerica into nomadic clans trying to survive. Khyra was born of this chaos. She knows nothing of the time before, a time without moving once you finally get used to a place, a time without the constant threat of danger… It isn’t until 9-year-old Khyra falls in an icy lake and is rescued by the enigmatic “Black Ghost” that she begins to get a sense of what home can be. As she grows so do her experiences and Khyra realizes she wants more than an existence of survival, she wants to love. Her journey spans over a decade, dodging bullets, avoiding Raiders, and keeping away from the World Army Police almost becoming as mysterious as her rescuer. When the Government threatens to eliminate the anarchy across the land, Khyra won’t stick around to see what suffers at the expense of having order especially if it’s love.
Genre: Fiction, FF Romance


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