Download Forbidden Silver Fox CEO by Helen Hardwick (.ePUB)

Forbidden Silver Fox CEO by Helen Hardwick
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 347 kB
Overview: I’m the parachute. The answer he needs… still, the jump might kill him.
Arrogant. Powerful. Exceptional.
His company is the perfect scene to prove myself.
But how can I think straight when his searing stare torches right through me?

I’ll do anything to succeed.
Anything does not mean him.
But he didn’t get the memo.

One kiss evolves into wildfire and has me coming apart at the seams.
I crave his ultra hot caress…
But I’ve paddled upstream my entire career and can’t sink now.

The harder I push him away, the more he plays for keeps.
And I’m running out of time.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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