Download Forbidden Lust by Missy Walker (.ePUB)

Forbidden Lust (Elite Men of Manhattan #1) by Missy Walker
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 285 KB
Overview: Lourde

I have a stupid crush on my brother’s older best friend, always have had.

When my love life blows up in my face, years later he is there like a knight in shining armor. Except there’s nothing shiny about him. He is dark, controlled, and mysterious. He is exactly what I need.


She is my best mate’s younger sister, gorgeous yet completely forbidden.

She thinks I don’t want her, but she’s mistaken. I want nothing more than for her to scream my name on her bow-shaped lips.

But I’m no good, so I won’t touch her. Lourde Diamond deserves the goddamn world, not me.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Contemporary


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