Download Foot Race by John Stone (.ePUB)

Foot Race by John Stone (Damianos Series #2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 156 kb
Overview: Damianos is the nickname given to Detective Andre Russell of the San Diego Police. He’s just undergone minor surgery on his foot. The captain has assigned him to desk duty for the rest of the week. However when a vagrant by the name of Carlo calls him to identify a foot, Damianos and his partner John Avers drive to the back alley to meet the man. What they find are twelve shoe boxes filled with feet – but no bodies. In the week that follows, while they are trying to locate the twelve bodies matching the twelve pairs of feet, they are called to attend to Carlo. He’s been nailed to a cross and his feet almost severed. Will John and Damianos arrive in time to save the poor man? Who is killing people in such a horrible manner?
Genre: Horror


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