Download Fold Forming for Jewellers… by Louise Mary Muttitt (.ePUB)

Fold Forming for Jewellers and Metalsmiths by Louise Mary Muttitt
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 18 MB
Overview: Fold forming is a creative and dynamic way to manipulate metal. This practical guide explains the process, starting with simple line folds and showing how a few techniques can reveal the rich potential of the method. Written for jewellers and metalsmiths, it goes on to explore the many beautiful ways in which fold forming can be used to distort and shape metal to incredible effect.

Having introduced the concept of fold forming by exploring different methods and types of single folds, the book covers how to create multiple folds in sheet metal using hammers and then the rolling mill to forge folds, and explains how microfolding is particularly suited to jewellery and smallwork, and can be used to strengthen thin material. This book encourages interpretation, experimentation and development of the techniques to produce original pieces, and is beautifully illustrated with 167 colour photographs.
Genre: Non Fiction > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Crafts & Hobbies > Jewelry


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