Download Flamingo for Twitter 16.1.3 [Patched]

Flamingo for Twitter 16.1.3 [Patched]
Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Flamingo is a bright and colourful Twitter client, which a simple and greatly customisable interface.


It provides you with the Twitter experience you know and love with beautiful material design. You can easily switch between several accounts, and individually theme those accounts. GIFs can be played inline in the timeline and you can easily add them to your tweets (powered by Giphy). Hover preview allows you to quickly preview photos, gifs and user profiles by simply long pressing on an icon or image.

Important: Flamingo is in its early stages, there will be features missing and bugs present so please take the time to email me about this before leaving a negative review.


When @-ing people you can now search by name
Activity renamed to Notifications and icons for Mentions & Notifications have been changed (can change this in Navigation settings)
Show verified toggle is now off by default (advanced -> other)
New notification type (replies to retweets)
Added friction to swipe to close
QR codes are now at the bottom of the nav menu
Adaptive icons for shortcuts
Tweeting from multiple accounts at once has been removed due to new Twitter guidelines

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