Download First Bitten by Lizzy Gayle (.ePUB)

First Bitten by Lizzy Gayle (Bitten Novella)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 469kb
Overview: Power comes with a cost.

Being a peasant in the Middle Ages is not a fun life, but with his good looks and clever tongue, Julian finds selfish ways to entertain himself—that is until he starts to fall for a woman outside of his class limits and stumbles on the body of her servant while hunting.

He finds himself embroiled in a world beyond his imagination where witches and monsters are real and his human body, that’s served him so well all his life, is suddenly weak and vulnerable.

Making a deal with a murderous vampire might be the only way he can protect both his only family and the woman he seems to be falling in love with. But bargaining with the devil could cost his humanity.
Genre: Fiction > Romance > Paranormal


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