Download Fires of the Fae Series by Erin O’Kane (.ePUB)

Fires of the Fae Series by Erin O’Kane (1-2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Erin O’Kane is an independent author from the UK. She works full time within the Healthcare system, which she loves. Writing is her escape and a dream she never thought possible until she was given a push from her friends and family.
Genre: Romance


1. A Lady of Embers – After a long war between the elves and humans, Morrowmer is a land full of divided people.
Finally free from decades of captivity, Annalise, a high elf, is on the run.
Moving from refugee camp to refugee camp, she keeps to herself. These places are dangerous, especially for an elf. One night, the camp is attacked by strange, ferocious beasts. She should flee, but when she stops to save a human, she alters her fate forever.
Stolen and taken to a new land, she discovers there is so much more going on than she first thought. A great darkness is about to descend on the Fae Lands and she might be the only one who can save them all.
Can Annalise rise from the ashes of her past and become the person she was born to be?

2. A Spark of Promise – Liberated from the Master’s castle, Annalise is finally free. At least that’s what she keeps being told. Fabien, one of the rebels, saved her. However, does she really know the kind fae who wears many faces. Has she just gone from one form of capture to another?
Having left behind her mate that she never wanted, she tries to adapt to this new life. Only she can’t seem to get him out of her mind. Trying to keep busy, she begins to learn to use her power, refusing to ever be weak again.
When fae start disappearing across the land, rumours of a great evil start to circulate. All eyes turn to Annalise as the true promessa, the Chosen One.
Finally learning to embrace her powers, she’s the spark of promise the rebels so desperately need. Only the role of the promessa is so much more than she understands it to be, and ultimately could cost her life.

Download Instructions:
1. A Lady of Embers

2. A Spark of Promise

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