Firdãriã (Firdaria): Periods of Life by Aswin Subramanyan
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Overview: Firdariã is a time lord technique from the Persian astrological tradition and astrologer Al-Andarzaghar (7th century CE – Book of Aristotle), however seems to be the source of this technique, Abu Ma’shar (9th Century CE – Kitāb taḥāwil sinī al‐mawālīd – On the Revolutions Of The Years Of The Nativities) popularised Firdariã because of the wide reach and influence of his works on the future astrological traditions. In the 11th century, Tunisian Astrologer, Abu ‘l- Hasan Ali b. Abi ‘l-Rijal (better known as Al-Rijal), a court astrologer in the Zirid dynasty wrote a comprehensive treatise on astrology called “Kitab al-Bari’ fi Ahkam al-Nujum” (Complete Book On The Judgement Of The Stars) and he also dealt with Firdariã comprehensively. His work was further translated into Latin by the late medieval European astrologers.Chapter 3 of this book comprises translation from Abi ‘l-Rijal’s work on the Judgements of the Fardãrs of the Stars (A 11-page section in the Latin manuscript) from Latin along with additional commentary and footnotes by the author (Aswin Subramanyan). In this book you will find a modified version of calculating the distribution (participation) periods of the planets where the Nodes of the Moon (Rahu & Ketu) are included as participating planets. The author has also changed the way the participating periods are calculated where the proportions of the Fardãrs are applied in the participating periods as opposed to every planet ruling the same number of years. This book can be read by anyone who is familiar with the fundamental principles of planets, signs, houses and aspects.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy > New Age Astrology
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