Download Feasting on Magic by Genevieve Davis (.ePUB)

Feasting on Magic: The Hero’s Guide to Ending Diets Forever: Stop Comfort Eating, Trust Your Intuition, Love Your Body and Discover Food Freedom. by Genevieve Davis
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 395KB
Overview: Join me on a Hero’s Journey to rediscovering the joy and MAGIC of food.What comes to mind when you hear the words ‘food freedom’? Perhaps some fanciful story about ditching diets. Some pie-in-the-sky promise that you’ll never have to restrict your eating or avoid sugar. If you think magic means being able to eat what you like …… you’re absolutely right. Because that is what magic can do for you and is exactly what this book offers.
Sound intriguing? Then let me take you on a journey. A Hero’s Journey to complete food freedom.
Would you LOVE to be able to eat whatever you want, without feeling guilty?
Have you tried every diet under the sun? But find you can’t stick to them for more than a few weeks or months?
Has changing nutritional advice left you confused about what’s actually healthy?
Do you often feel guilt or shame about your body, what you eat, or how much?
Do you use food as a comfort, a friend, or as a way to pass the time? (Who doesn’t?)
Do you often eat FAR too much, without really knowing why?
Would you love to feel relaxed and in control around food?
Do you yearn for a spiritual or magical approach to food and overeating?
Are you willing to step up, be a hero and do what it takes to be finally free of diets?
If you’re nodding along and thinking This sounds just like me! then you’re in the right place.
This plan has nothing to say about eating particular types of food or how much. I will not give you a diet to follow, and there will be no food rules forcing you to eat differently. There will be no eliminating of any food, no counting or weighing. This plan has nothing to do with what you eat and everything to do with how you eat and how you think about it.
Here’s what I want to share with you…
The ‘Hero’s Process – An amazing magical technique to help you deal with food cravings and effortlessly stop eating when you’ve had enough.
Small, easy behavioural changes that give massive results.
How to trust your gut (Literally!). I’ll show you how to contact your intuition about food, discover your inner guru and learn to eat right for you.
How your struggles with weight, overeating or food addiction could be a gateway to even greater magic.
Why constant faddy diets can lead you to put on weight (for completely unexpected reasons!)
We can transform our messed up relationship with eating. The result will be a calm, easygoing freedom around food you may never have experienced before.
But food freedom is just the beginning. When we discover our intuition about food, we touch into a wiser, calmer, more powerful place within ourselves. Your struggles with weight and overeating could be the doorway to something far greater. Something magical.
See you on the inside.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Self-Help > Eating Disorders & Body Image Issues > Personal Transformation


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