Download Fatal Ambition by Nick de Bois (.ePUB)

Fatal Ambition by Nick de Bois
Requirements: .ePUB, 3.5mb
The Prime Minister is on borrowed time.
His successor lies in wait.
But who else has their eyes on the prize?

The suicide of a cabinet ministers brother, unable to face the fallout of an illegal finance deal gone bad that he had organised sets in trail a series of events that reach into the very heart of government, inside No 10 Downing Street itself and threatening the very survival of the government at a crucial time for the United Kingdom

Secretary of State James Cleaver’s shock and grief at the death of his brother is quickly overcome by the more urgent matter of making sure that no one can follow the fraudulent money trail that he is fully implicated in, and he’s relying on Karen, Chief of Staff to the already doomed Prime Minister and seeming kingmaker, with whom he’s having an affair.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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