Download Fashioning the Modern Middle East by Reina Lewis (.ePUB)

Fashioning the Modern Middle East: Gender, Body, and Nation by Reina Lewis
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 16 MB
Overview: In the first book to address the critical role of the (un)dressed body in the formation of the modern Middle East, these essays unveil contemporary struggles over nation, gender, modernity and post-modernity. Contributions from leading interdisciplinary scholars, exploring gender representation, photography, dress and visual culture, recount the role of the visible elite body in campaigns for gender and social emancipation, dress histories concerning early nationalist women and men, and legal frameworks used by those who seek to control the movement of gendered bodies. The result is a rich picture of a historical period and cultural landscape which brings dress and visual culture back into historical narratives of the modern Middle East.

Recognising multiple modernities, multiple imperialisms and diverse regional experiences of post-colonialism,

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Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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