Download Falling Into Place by Stephanie J. Scott (.ePUB)

Falling Into Place: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy by Stephanie J. Scott
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 315kb
Overview: Giving her childhood camp a second chance gives Mia new purpose, only her ex has his own agenda. Can they save the camp without destroying one another?

Mia Hammond hates her job in middle management at a soul-sucking mail-order catalog, but after her sports agent career went down in flames, well, a girl needs to keep a roof over her head, right? When a trusted friend tells her their beloved Camp Falling Pines needs help, she swallows her pride and calls her old sports contacts. Recruiting a few notable athletes to teach sports clinics could be just what the flailing camp needs.

Aaron Stanek needs a miracle to turn around his family’s expansion hockey team, before the rambunctious crew’s pranks result in losing more sponsors. Except the players only respect Aaron’s father, and his father handed Aaron the team to sort out while he recovers his health.

When Mia discovers her ex-boyfriend Aaron has a team desperately in need of positive press, it sounds like the perfect match…or it would be, if she didn’t have to work with the one person responsible for tanking her agenting career. Aaron blames himself for what happened, but in his heart, Mia is still the one who got away. For the sake of the camp, and their jobs, they vow to keep their partnership strictly professional. Keeping their feelings in check is another thing entirely.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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