Download Fall From Grace by Charlie De Luca (.ePUB)

Fall From Grace: A racing thriller. by Charlie De Luca
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 331 KB
Overview: Nat Wilson is an ex–champion steeplechase jockey who makes a comeback after a serious injury. He is determined to win his title back and everything starts off well. Then he is beset by a series of unusual falls on horses that should have won, and rumours start to circulate which imply that he has lost his nerve. He brushes off these incidents until a journalist, Topper McGrew, writes a series of inflammatory articles about him. Confused and angry, he turns to his best friend, ex-jockey Finn McCarthy and dietician, Harriet Lucas, to find out who is behind this whispering campaign against him.
However, Finn McCarthy, now a jockey coach, has troubles of his own. He had hoped that his new crop of conditional jockeys would be straightforward compared to previous charges, but when one of them winds up dead following an argument, he and his friend, Harriet Lucas, find themselves viewing them all in a very different light. The race is on to find out what is going on and the pair find themselves in a tight finish to catch the perpetrators before they strike again.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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