Download Fake Identity True Love Collection by Eva Stone (.ePUB)

Fake Identity True Love: Friends to Lovers Sweet Romance Short Stories Collection by Eva Stone
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 144 KB
Overview: Four inspirational clean and wholesome romance short stories.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


The Mysterious Homeless Man
In all weather, a homeless man is overlooked—until a college girl offers respectful help. Eager to
show his gratitude, he reveals a surprising secret to her. Who is he, and what will he share?

Chasing Shadows of the Heart
A photographer meets a woman with eyes full of untold tales. As he delves into her intricate
soul, their love grows amidst looming dangers. How will he draw her from darkness into her
rightful light?

The Mystery Postcards
A mailman falls hard for a novelist through a stack postcard, adopting a false identity to become
her cherished pen pal -then lovers. Visiting her at Christmas, he’s stunned by their starkly
different worlds. Torn! Should he run or stay?

Two Builders
A quirky actress craves a real-life "I Love You," not just the rehearsed lines. She dreams of
crafting her own love nest. She has a muddy encounter with a rugged builder on a rainy day. Will
two builders possibly lay the foundation for a blooming romance?

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