Download Excel for Self-Publishers by M.L. Humphrey (.ePUB)

Excel for Self-Publishers (Self-Publishing Essentials Book 1) by M.L. Humphrey
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.7 MB
Overview: As soon as you self-publish, you’re running a small business. (At least most of us are.) Which means you need to start thinking about things like advertising costs and whether or not you’re making a profit from your efforts. That’s where Excel comes in handy. Using the analysis tools it provides, you can leverage Excel to take your self-publishing efforts to the next level.

This guide will walk you through how to do that. It assumes you know the basics of using Excel already and walks you through how to apply Excel to scenarios that matter to self-publishers, including how to use the reports Amazon provides as well as create your own to track things like advertising performance, sales trends, and the titles you’ve published.
Genre: Computers & Technology > Programming


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