Download Exalted Mage by Kingsley Khan (.ePUB)

Exalted Mage by Kingsley Khan (Void Empire Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5 mb
Overview: Eric Grayson was just a welder by day and fantasy junky by night. His free days were spent camping in the woods and reading. When he falls through a crack in the foundation of reality his life is going to get a lot more interesting. Making his way through the sea of chaos, he finds himself, with a little help from a Goddess, in a new universe, on a new planet. Eric must discover the answer to a question. How to change the mind of an empire?

The exalted mage lords of the Empire have ruled for over two thousand years. Keeping the Empire safe from tribes of filthy savage beast kin and the void monsters that breach reality and are hungry to consume. Forduna is a world on the edge of the great universal tree, a bastion against the ever-encroaching void and the tendrils of the abyss that ever reach for a foothold in any reality. The dungeon Legion holds fast to the accords set forth in the days of old while it still has the strength to do so. The touch of the Gods and Goddesses is faint and growing weaker.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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