Download Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines (.ePUB)

Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines (#01~4)
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Overview: Peter Clines is the author of EX-HEROES, EX-PATRIOTS, THE EERIE ADVENTURES OF THE LYCANTHROPE ROBINSON CRUSOE, and numerous pieces of short fiction. He grew up in the Stephen King fallout zone of Maine and started writing science fiction and fantasy stories at the age of eight. He made his first writing sale at age seventeen and the first screenplay he wrote got him an open door to pitch story i…deas at -Star Trek: Deep Space Nine- and -Voyager-. After working in the film and television industry for almost fifteen years, he currently writes articles and reviews for -Creative Screenwriting Magazine-, where he has interviewed dozens of Hollywood’s biggest screenwriters and upcoming stars.
He currently lives and writes somewhere in southern California.
Genre: Science Fiction

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1. Ex-Heroes
I’m pretty sure you already know who I am. As for everyone else… I don’t think there are enough people left to make a secret identity worth the effort. Stealth. Gorgon. Regenerator. Cerberus. Zzzap. The Mighty Dragon. They were heroes. Vigilantes. Crusaders for justice, using their superhuman abilites to make Los Angeles a better place. Then the plague of living death spread around the globe. Despite the best efforts of the superheroes, the police, and the military, the hungry corpses rose up and overwhelmed the country. The population was decimated, heroes fell, and the city of angels was left a desolate zombie wasteland like so many others.

Now, a year later, the Mighty Dragon and his companions must overcome their differences and recover from their own scars to protect the thousands of survivors sheltered in their film studio-turned-fortress, the Mount. The heroes lead teams out to scavenge supplies, keep the peace within the walls of their home, and try to be the symbols the survivors so desperately need.
For while the ex-humans walk the streets night and day, they are not the only threat left in the world, and the people of the Mount are not the only survivors left in Los Angeles. Across the city, another group has grown and gained power.
And they are not heroes.

2. Ex-Patriots
It’s been two years since the world ended. Two years since the dead rose and the plague of ex-humanity decimated mankind. For most of that time, the superhero called St. George, formerly known to the world as the Mighty Dragon, has protected the people of Los Angeles at their film studio-turned-fortress, The Mount. Together with his fellow heroes – Cerberus, Zzzap, and Stealth – he’s tried to give the survivors hope and something like a real life. But the swollen population of the Mount is becoming harder and harder to sustain, and the heroes are feeling the pressure. Hope arrives in the form of a United States Army battalion, based in a complex a few hundred miles away in Arizona. This is not just any base, however. The men and women of Project Krypton are super-soldiers, designed and created before the outbreak to be better, stronger, and faster than normal humans. They want the heroes and all the people of the Mount to rejoin America and have normal lives again. But can the military be trusted? And is there even a country left to rejoin? There is a secret at the heart of Project Krypton, and those behind it have an awesome power that will help them keep that secret hidden. The power of Freedom. "My two favorite things, zombies and superheroes." – Nathan Fillion, star of Castle and Firefly "Zombies and superheroes are two great tastes that have never quite gone well together … until now." –

3. Ex-Communication
"All of us try to cheat death. I was just better prepared to do it than most folks."
In the years since the wave of living death swept the globe, St George and his fellow heroes haven’t just kept Los Angeles’ last humans alive – they’ve created a real community, a bustling town that’s spreading beyond its original walls and swelling with new refugees. But now one of the heroes, perhaps the most powerful among them, seems to be losing his mind. The implacable enemy known as Legion has found terrifying new ways of using zombies as pawns in his attacks. And outside the Mount, something ancient and monstrous is hell-bent on revenge.

As Peter Clines weaves these elements together in yet another masterful, shocking climax, St. George, Stealth, Captain Freedom, and the rest of the heroes find that even in a city overrun by millions of ex-humans…
…there’s more than one way to come back from the dead.

4. Ex-Purgatory
George Bailey is an ordinary guy, working the nine to five as a handyman and trying to make the best of the little he’s got. But when he sleeps, he dreams of fire and flying, of zombies and superheroes. When the two realities start to merge, George begins to question if e’s gone mad. That, or something has gone terribly wrong…

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