Download Europa Suite series by Kim Wilkins (.ePUB)

Europa Suite series by Kim Wilkins (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 2.9 MB
Overview: Kim Wilkins is a writer from the sunny east-coast of Australia. She loves Led Zeppelin, MMORPGs, tiny dogs, misty English landscapes, and books.
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

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1. The Autumn Castle: In this first volume of Wilkins’ Europa Suite, a woman’s world is turned upside down when her childhood friend, abducted as a young girl into a place of magic and myth, rerturns. But now jealousies and betrayals threaten to destroy them both.

2. Giants of the Frost: From the author of The Autumn Castle comes a dark tale of immortal love and loss that brings together Norse gods and mortals.

Taking a job on an isolated island in the Sea of Norway, scientist Victoria Scott wants a quiet place to finish her doctoral thesis. But Victoria isn’t prepared for the strange shadows outside her cabin window, the rumors of a murderous hag who sucks one’s soul during sleep, and the tales of mythic monsters lurking in the forest. More frightening than the island’s nightmarish mysteries––to Victoria, everything is hauntingly familiar. When an enigmatic stranger appears on the island, Victoria’s sense of foreboding peaks. For she learns that they are connected by a conflict centuries old—one that can end only with her death…

3. Rosa and the Veil of Gold: Beyond this world, behind the veil of history, lies the kingdom of the Rus … When an ancient golden bear is found walled up in a dilapidated St Petersburg bathhouse, researcher Daniel St Clare and his frosty colleague Em Hayward set out for Arkhangelsk to verify its age. But in the deep of night they are mysteriously set adrift, sinking ever deeper into the secrets and terrors of the Russian landscape. Daniel′s lost love, the wild and beautiful Rosa Kovalenka, knows the only way to save him is to outwit the haunted Chenchikov family or is it Papa Grigory, full of tales and riddles of times past, who will free them? He might instead destroy them all in order for his world to survive …

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