Download Essays by Joseph A. Schumpeter (.ePUB)

Essays of J. A. Schumpeter, Edited by Richard V. Clemence
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 552 kb
Overview: Ordinarily, the word essays is invoked at great risk by authors and publishers alike. But in the case of this special collection by Joseph A. Schumpeter, the great Austrian economist who finally settled at Harvard, the scholarly world knows this particular volume as his Essays.

In addition to the major themes of Schumpeter’s life: the place of the entrepreneur in economic development, the risks and rewards of innovation, business cycles and why they occur, and the evolution of capitalism in Europe and America, the Essays contain statements on how Schumpeter viewed his own development; they discuss how he looked at Marxism, and how he feared that economics was in danger of becoming too ideological.

Several of the Essays are classics. This is the case for “The Creative Response in Economic History” in which Schumpeter makes a plea for the close cooperation between economic theory and economic history. Another is “Science and Ideology,” which constitutes Schumpeter’s presidential address before the American Economic Association. Finally, there is the intriguing preface to the Japanese translation of Theory of Economic Development, in which Schumpeter names Walras and Marx as his two great predecessors.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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