Download Enough by Stephanie Nicole Norris (.ePUB)

Enough by Stephanie Nicole Norris (Falling For A Rose Book 2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 206 KB
Overview: At the celebration of her best friend’s wedding, Claudia Steven’s is trying to sort out her tumultuous emotions, regarding the groom’s best man and brother, Jaden Alexander Rose.
What started as a platonic relationship, has turned into a battle of wills whenever they find themselves together. Their heated exchanges have risen to the surface, and desire spills over on contact. However, Claudia fears she is not enough to be on the arm of a prestigious benefactor like Jaden. And Claudia is sure that’s why he’s friend-zoned her.
Multimillionaire investment banker, Jaden Alexander Rose is here today and gone tomorrow. Business is his priority, which is why he has kept the passion that grows for Claudia at arm’s length. But the bachelor cannot seem to fight off the dynamic hold Claudia has on him, ever since meeting her six months ago at a charity event. Now at his brother’s wedding, Jaden crosses that platonic line, and he has every intention of showing Claudia she’s all he needs and more.
Genre: Romance


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