Download Endangered Time by Dannie Ybarra (.ePUB)

Endangered Time by Dannie Ybarra (The Endangered #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 283 kB
Overview: As Calvin struggles to recover from the platypus attack, he is frustrated because his world has shrunk to the boundaries of the home he shares with Syrus. The longer he is away from the Platitat, however, the more inclined he is to make decisions he would never have made before the accident.

Calvin credits Aiden for his newfound boldness and finds himself falling in love with the younger man. Their relationship is complicated by the bond that Syrus and Aiden share and Calvin questions just how long their love triangle can hold together.

All of their worlds are rocked when Calvin and Syrus discover that Aiden has been lying to them both. Aiden’s revelation of family secrets, and the emotional fallout leave them wondering if it really is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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Thanks to ML from MM/LGBT Group

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