Download EMT-Basic Exam Review by Peter A. DiPrima Jr. (.ePUB)

EMT-Basic Exam Review by Peter A. DiPrima Jr.
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 16.6MB
Overview: The ultimate one-stop success guide to the EMT-Basic exam—now fully updated

If you want the highest score possible on the EMT-Basic exam, there’s no better study partner than McGraw-Hill Education’s EMT-Basic Exam Review book. Based on in-the-trenches insights from a seasoned EMT instructor, this streamlined, skill-building study guide helps you think through pre-hospital medicine while covering every must-know topic on the exam. Each chapter begins with a clinical scenario followed by a bulleted overview of key topics and is summarized by retention-enhancing Q&As at the end of every chapter. Also included are valuable exam preparation tips, the do’s and don’ts of answering multiple-choice questions, plenty of clinical pearls, and photographs to help you identify critical instruments and equipment.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Reference, Guide


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