Download Empire’s Gambit by D. J. Holmes (.ePUB)

Empire’s Gambit by D. J. Holmes (Empire Rising #13)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 727 KB
Overview: The Karacknid assault on Earth has been turned back at great cost to both sides. Only the intervention of the Kulreans saved Humanity’s homeworld from certain destruction. Yet the Kulrean worldships cannot be used for offensive operations. This means Humanity and her allies have only a few months of respite before the Karacknids can make good their losses. When they do, everyone knows they will resume the offensive and Tanaka-lan will seek to end the war once and for all.

With no way to compete with the Karacknids’ superior numbers and industrial might, Emperor Somerville has proposed one final stratagem. The Allied fleet must strike right at the heart of the Karacknid empire in a last ditch effort to try and end the war. Yet to do so would mean venturing into the enemy’s most fortified systems and leaving the Allied worlds at the mercy of Tanaka-lan. Risking everything, James has no choice but to attempt the impossible. No sacrifice can be too great to save his people and his family.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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