Download Emperor Forged series by K.D. Robertson (.ePUB)

Emperor Forged series by K.D. Robertson (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 687 KB
Overview: I’m a fantasy author with a love for complex magical worlds. I also have a day job, just like everybody else. The stories I write are what I want to see more of in fiction. Fantasy stories with a strong focus on the female characters, huge battles between absurdly powerful fantasy beings, empire building stories with politics and intrigue, and most importantly: interesting and complex worlds based on magic that are fun to explore over the course of a series.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Emperor Forged
The emperor is dead, betrayed. Now a new ruler must rise from the ashes.
Mykah Arium is one of the greatest generals in the Empire. Now the emperor is dead, betrayed by a conspiracy that rules in his place. Mykah’s home rots to corruption.
Rebellion is his only option. Mykah gathers his armies of soldiers, barbarians and peasants with raw charisma. But defeating the greatest nation in the world needs more than just armies. He will need his own empire.
Staying ruler is harder than becoming one and helping Mykah are his officers: elite sorceresses, energetic berserkers, and a horned beauty strong enough to battle dragons. Mykah’s past allies are just as beautiful and powerful. They’re also trying to kill him.
Two questions remain: How will Mykah defeat the empire’s nearly invulnerable dragons? And does he have the will to rule over his conquered territory when his true goal is vengeance?

2. Emperor Awakened
His empire stands ready, even as old friends march against him.
Mykah is ready to march on the capital and slay the emperor’s killers but his enemies have other plans. The corrupted Empire has pincered him. Armies approach from all directions.
Worse, those armies are led by some of his oldest friends.
To win this multifront war, Mykah must adapt. He must continue to train and cultivate his allies. By investing in those around him, such as the berserker demi-oni Hish and the sorceress Ilsa, he can train new heroes to lead his armies.
All is not well within his territory, however. The demi-oni have tasted the freedom denied by their full-blooded cousins and Mykah finds himself caught in a centuries-old conflict.
With an ever-growing list of objectives and no time to waste, Mykah will need to prove that he is fit to be emperor. Or he’ll fail, and an old friend will ensure that death is the least of his worries.

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