Elsa’s Escapades series by Desiree Erotique (Books 1~2)
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Overview: Desiree Erotique lives in the United States with her husband, RL Hunt. Her erotica series, Elsa’s Erotic Escapades , originated from stories she created for his entertainment during their honeymoon. Ms. Erotique proudly admits that the passion for her husband is her greatest and most cherished source of inspiration.
Genre: Erotic Romance Fantasy
Disciples Of Pleasures: Excited by a proposal to abandon her boring 9 to 5 job for a life devoted to sexual license, Elsa avows herself to the Discipleship of Pleasure. Little does she know that Discipleship will lead her into the sensual, demanding otherworld of Nemi. Here, Elsa must resign herself to the very fantasies of discipline and surrender she has secretly dreamed about all her adult life. Will Elsa yield to her soul’s demand for satisfaction, or will she be bondaged forever by the provincialities of twenty-first century Earth?
Nectar of Ecstasy: Escapades will follow our heroine into the obsessive clutches of an unearthly lover. Can she escape back to sensuous Nemi, or will the lusty Dhjinn-E’noch hold her forever by using the Nectar of Ecstasy
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