Download Elementals MC Series by Alexi Ferreira (.ePUB)

Elementals MC Series by Alexi Ferreira (1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 470 KB
Overview: Alexi Ferreira, loves the idea of alpha men who take charge are possessive and care for their woman. She creates books that take you on an emotional journey whether tears, laughter or just steamy hotness. She loves to connect with readers and interacting with them through social media or even old fashioned email.
Genre: Romance


1. WULF – Jas
I have always felt like I didn’t belong. Until I met Wulf.He takes me away from everything I know and introduces me to a life that I never expected.Now instead of being alone I have the whole MC as family, but i am in danger.Before everyone treated me as if i was a freak. But he understands me.
She is mine, they can try and get to her but they wont succeed, i will go through hell to protect her. No one touches what is mine. I will shake the earth itself, no one will be safe. My brothers and I are a family the club is my home but she is my soul the light to my darkness.

Sexy, sassy and bull headed, but she is MINE, the calm to my fury the light to my darkness.
She can fight it all she wants, she say’s she doesn’t need protecting but I will lay down my life for her.If they want her they will have to get through me, my brothers and my whole club. I will bury them if they think they can take my woman my very soul.
Possessive, rugged and bossy as Hell. He’s my salvation, the light to my confusion. Bjarni may be the Sergeant at arms for the Elementals MC, but I can take care of myself when my past comes back to haunt me, or can

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