Download Eden Chronicles by James Erith (.ePUB)

Eden Chronicles by James Erith (Box Set Books 1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: The first three books in the wonderful young adult fantasy adventure of the Eden Chronicles series.
Follow Archie, Daisy and Isabella as they come to terms with their status as the Heirs of Eden and set about solving the ancient riddles put in place at the dawn of time to save the world.
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror > Fantasy


Book #1 – The Power and The Fury:
An old spirit tells Archie of a place that holds the "Key to Life".
He speaks of great change.
He tells of great gifts.
He discloses that Archie and his siblings are the only ones who can stop what they already know in their hearts.
And how failure will have disastrous consequences.
As the turmoil begins, reluctant, disbelieving teenagers, Archie, Daisy, and Isabella are launched into a journey they had never wished for.

Book #2 – Spider Web Powder :
Some say the world was made in seven days. In seven days, it will end.
In the wake of the devastating storm, Archie, Daisy and Isabella find themselves trapped in a magical cave whose walls are covered by mysterious cave paintings that tell of discovering three stone tablets…
Can Archie, Daisy and especially Isabella harness their extraordinary gifts and trust in their unlikely status as the Heirs of Eden enough to escape the cave and begin their quest for the clues to find the mythical Garden of Eden?

Book #3 – The Chamber of Truth:
As the Ebora virus sweeps the world while people sleep, time is running out for the Heirs of Eden.
With their protector, Old Man Wood, presumed dead, Archie, Daisy and Isabella de Lowe must put aside their differences and work fast to decipher a cryptic code in their frantic search for the second tablet of Eden.
Sue and the headmaster, Solomon, are deeply concerned for the de Lowe children. And they’re right to be. The brutal Commissioner Stone has told the international community that the children caused the Ebora outbreak.

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