Download Eats with Heat & Texas Treats by Jen Pitman (.ePUB)

Eats with Heat & Texas Treats: Tasty Carb Swaps by Jen Pitman
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.3 MB
Overview: I wanted to create a cookbook from the perspective of the everyday woman. The one’s who feel they just don’t have time or energy to cook after working a full day on top of house duties. I created this two week meal plan for myself and for you. The best part about these recipes are they don’t take excessive amounts of time.
In my life, I need easy, lazy, quick, tasty and waistline friendly meals. As a matter of fact, I lost 4 pounds during this two week meal plan! I was shocked. Overall, I have lost 20 pounds since starting the Ketogenic Diet and I plan to continue this journey. I love seeing other people’s success and I wanted this book to be a start for some and a journey for others.
Genre: Nonfiction > Food > Cooking


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