Download Easy as Pie by Reba Bale (.ePUB)

Easy as Pie (Pie Promises) by Reba Bale
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 140 kB
Overview: They went in for pie and left with something sweeter…

Once upon a time Keri and Jeff were best friends — and secretly in love with each other. They were inseparable during college, but they lost touch after graduation. When Keri is hired as the new Director of Student Affairs at Evermore University ten years later, she’s shocked to run into her old friend in a pie shop. He’s a bit…different now. Bigger. Stronger. Hotter. And also…dating a man?

Jeff and Miguel are finally recovering from a bad break-up with the mercurial woman who they thought they’d spend the rest of their lives with. They’ve moved to the small college town of Hopeton for a fresh start and a simpler life, intending to spend some time as a couple before they look for a new partner.

Until they run into Keri, and their plans go right out the window. Friends turn to friends with benefits, and suddenly they’re thinking about forever…

They never imagined that their visit to the Thankful Café to buy a pie would lead them to what they’ve always longed for: a relationship that’s as easy as pie.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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