Download Dungeon Diving Series by Bruce Sentar (.ePUB)

Dungeon Diving Series by Bruce Sentar (1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.6 MB
Overview:Born and raised in the agricultural midwest, I was raised on fantasy, letting my imagination fill the space between the corn. Then later I fell in love with the plethora of translated Xianxia as I traveled the world. Now I’m putting down roots but my imagination needs to be let off the leash and I write my stories otherwise my head might just explode.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Dungeon Diving 101 – The Dungeon is a place of magic and mystery, a vast branching, underground labyrinth that has changed the world and the people who dare to enter its depths. Those who brave its challenges are rewarded with wealth, fame, and powerful classes that set them apart from the rest.
Ken was determined to follow the footsteps of his family and become one of the greatest adventurers the world has ever known. He knows that the only way to do that is to get into one of the esteemed Dungeon colleges, where the most promising young adventurers gather.
Despite doing fantastic on the entrance exam, when his class is revealed, everyone turns their backs on him, all except for one.
The most powerful adventurer, Crimson, invites him to the one college he never thought he’d enter. Haylon, an all girls college.
Ken sets out to put together a party and master the skills he’ll need to brave the Dungeon’s endless dangers. But he soon discovers that the path ahead is far more perilous than he could have ever imagined.

2. Dungeon Diving 102 – Classes continue at Haylon academy. Ken has identified who’s behind the attacks on his Fieore and is determined to remove that particular problem, yet Haylon rules prevents him from taking it into his own hands.
As they dive deeper into the dungeon, Crimson prepares him and the rest of the first years on how to camp in the dungeon. When their camping exercise is interrupted, Ken’s done and this time he means business.
Ken is going all out and his abilities tell him one thing, Ken was never trained as an adventurer. Ken was trained as an assassin.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 16th April 2023. Thanks to Deathrev)

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