Download Dungeon Core Mountain series by Alex Oakchest (.ePUB)

Dungeon Core Mountain series by Alex Oakchest (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 533 KB | 534 KB
Overview: No bio is available for the author.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. A (Mostly) Evil Dungeon
When Tyler’s parents kick him out for being cursed, he does what every guy would do – he finds a mage who’ll teach him deadly magic. The kind where he can really kick someone’s ass.

Unfortunately, the mage sees something special in him. That should have been a good thing, but what he sees is something rare. A power that must be harnessed right away…

Soon, Tyler is killed, turned into a dungeon core, and trapped inside a mountain. With his new dungeon powers, he can create monsters, mobs, and traps.

But the mountain is a dangerous place, crammed with creatures who’ve survived and evolved in the darkness. Not only that, but it is often plundered by adventurers who’d love nothing more than to capture a precious dungeon core.

If he’s to have any chance of surviving and escaping, he’ll have to have to build traps and level his powers. He’ll have to become the most dangerous thing in the mountain.

Most importantly, he needs to become… a (mostly) evil dungeon.

2. A (Very) Evil Dungeon
One with warrior mice and ancient monsters and epic dungeon core battles. A LitRPG series crammed with power progression and cultivation.

It must be…A (Very) Evil Dungeon!

Tyler didn’t ask to be turned into a dungeon core, but there’s always a silver lining. For him, it’s his deadly new dungeon core powers and his new mentor, who will show him the route to ultimate power. But he also has an enemy.

White-Snout is a warrior mouse. That’s weird enough, but he’s also advancing beyond what he thought possible, thanks to his hard work, loyal friends, and his new teacher.

He’s inching closer to his dream of being the first rodent to kill a dungeon core…but every time he gets stronger, so does the core!

As Tyler and White-Snout’s rivalry grows more dangerous, life under the mountain is about to change forever. Their battle is fated now, and nothing in the universe can stop it.

Only one can win.

Download Instructions:
1. A (Mostly) Evil Dungeon

2. A (Very) Evil Dungeon

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