Ducoboo by Zidrou and Godi.
Requirements: CBR Reader, 205 MB.
Overview: The adventures of the most adorable, brilliant, and universally appreciated dunce of the graphic novel world. The pupil Ducoboo is nice and a joker, but also a notorious dunce—a “quality” that is no bed of roses…One must be awfully resourceful to avoid the humiliating dunce’s cap! But Ducoboo is brimming with imagination… Through gags, some stranger than others, this series champions values such as friendship and the right to be different, and tackles subjects such as boy-girl and parent-child relationships.
Genre: Comics, Humour, All Ages
Ducoboo / L’Élève Ducobu artist, pencil
- Benoit Drousie AKA Zidrou story, writer
Bernard Godisiabois AKA Godi
Véronique Grobet colors
Published by Le Lombard, Cineebook. 1997-2012.
- 01. Un copieur sachant copier, Le Lombard, 06/1997
02. Au coin !, Le Lombard, 03/1998
03. Les réponses ou la vie ?, Le Lombard, 01/1999
04. La lutte des classes, Le Lombard, 08/1999
05. Le roi des cancres, Le Lombard, 06/2000
06. Un amour de potache, Le Lombard, 03/2001
07. Vivement les vacances!, Le Lombard, 08/2001
08. Punis pour le meilleur et pour le pire, Le Lombard, 04/2002
09. Le fortiche de la triche, Le Lombard, 08/2003
10. Miss Dix sur Dix, Le Lombard, 08/2004
11. Peut mieux faire!, Le Lombard, 08/2005
12. 280 de Q.I., Le Lombard, 08/2006
13. Pas vu, pas pris !, Le Lombard, 08/2007
14. Premier de classe (en commençant par la fin), Le Lombard, 08/2008
15. Ça sent les vacances !, Le Lombard, 06/2009
16. Confisqué !, Le Lombard, 06/2010
17. Silence, on copie!, Le Lombard, 06/2011
18. Révise un max !, Le Lombard, 04/2012
HS1, Attention! Cancre, Le Lombard, 08/2005
HS2, Le meilleur des pires plans-triche, Le Lombard, 11/2007
HS3, L’instit Latouche – Le best of, Le Lombard, 10/2011
L’Élève Ducobu is a comic series created by Zidrou (scenario) and Godi (drawing). The series tells the adventures of Ducobu, a comic and eccentric dunce. The series first appeared in September 1992 in the Belgian comics magazine Tremplin. The first album was published in 1997 by Le Lombard and from this year have appeared in the French comics magazine Le Journal de Mickey.
L’élève Ducobu is an assortment of gags. Most of the story takes place at the Saint-Potache school, but some strips deal with the main character’s private life and take place at home. Other strips go back into the past of the characters. Each album generally begins with the start of the school year and ends with the summer holidays.
Note: If you like the books, please consider to collect and buy from Cineebook.
Download Instructions:
http://corneey.com/wK9avU — Ducoboo 01 King of the Dunces (2006)
http://corneey.com/wK9avD — Ducoboo 02 In the Corner! (2007)
http://corneey.com/wK9avL — Ducoboo 03 Your Answers or Your Life (2008)
http://corneey.com/wK9av2 — Ducoboo 04 The Class Struggle (2010)
- Mirror:
- http://novafile.com/88z8uxcrdg41 — Ducoboo 01 King of the Dunces (2006)
http://corneey.com/wK9abq — Ducoboo 02 In the Corner! (2007)
http://corneey.com/wK9abd — Ducoboo 03 Your Answers or Your Life (2008)
http://corneey.com/wK9abl — Ducoboo 04 The Class Struggle (2010)
http://corneey.com/wK9abT — Ducoboo 01 King of the Dunces (2006)
http://corneey.com/wK9abF — Ducoboo 02 In the Corner! (2007)
http://corneey.com/wK9abV — Ducoboo 03 Your Answers or Your Life (2008)
http://corneey.com/wK9ab3 — Ducoboo 04 The Class Struggle (2010)