Dubious Heroes by Nicholas Blue
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 786 KB
Overview: Orel Doon works for a large shipping conglomerate based on Luna, where he’s lived his entire life. Suffering from a terminal case of boredom, he heads out to Saturn, and picks up his best friend from a mining operation. Together, they “borrow” one of his company’s starships, and set out to have an adventure. This turns out to be even more of an adventure than anticipated, as neither Doon nor his friend know much of anything about starships, or for that matter, much of anything outside the shipping or mining business. Together, they bumble their way across the galaxy, collecting new friends and enemies, learning as they go, while engaging in a little light piracy, and the occasional bit of smuggling. While none of this is boring, it’s nothing next to the revolution they inadvertently start.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy
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