Download DroidCrypt v1.2.29 (Paid) (Patched)

DroidCrypt v1.2.29 (Paid) (Patched)
Requirements: 2.1+
Overview: DroidCrypt – an intelligent and application-oriented file encryption tool.


You entrust your data with DroidCrypt? Therefore we would like to thank you. In the following, you can convince yourself of some DroidCrypt functions. All file modifications in the context of an encryption or decryption undergo an extensive failure analysis before actual changes are made.

The development of DroidCrypt is based on our own interests to the available functions and was originally started due to the lack of alternatives that would meet our objectives sufficiently. For these reasons, there was the conception of DroidCrypt based on an application orientation. This includes a higher assurance of the security and does not stop at the minmal permission requirements on Android level – after all, you entrust your strong confidential data with DroidCrypt. DroidCrypt excels in many ways. On the one hand the security was from the beginning in the fourground. On the other hand we put emphasis on a satisfactory and simple control concept.

DroidCrypt provides a simple control concept, which is presented in the following excerpts. Multiple Files can be sent from external applications, like file managers or Gallery for example, to DroidCrypt for encryption or decryption. So far files are detected belonging to media storage, DroidCrypt ensures to consider cached images and thumbnails. Furthermore, DroidCrypt provides the redirection of for view temporary decrypted files to standard applications. In this way, DroidCrypt takes a mediating role by ensuring that respective files remain encrypted.

Encryption Allows you to select a folder or file to encrypt depending on an entered password or secret orientation path. When you select a folder, all files and subfolders are encrypted recursively and independently. The file names of encrypted files remain untreated, so the finding of individual files for decryption can be applied selectively. Already encrypted files are skipped. After each successful encryption of a file, the unencrypted counterpart is removed (only if any errors can be excluded). An encrypted file is characterized by the file extension ".#atm_file_extension#".

Decryption Allows you to select a folder or a file to decrypt depending on an entered password or secret orientation path. When you select a folder, all files and subfolders that match the predetermined password or orientation path are decrypted recursively. Non-encrypted files and encrypted files that are encrypted with a different password or orientation path are basically ignored. After each decryption of a file, the encrypted counterpart is removed (only if any errors can be excluded).

File analysis After selecting a directory, a recursive data analysis is started, with the aim, to list how many files are located under the folder in encrypted and decrypted state. By using an optional password entry or orientation path, it can also be analyzed, how many encrypted files have been found that were encrypted with the given password or orientation path. In addition to that, the file analysis will check whether for an encrypted / decrypted file a decrypted / encrypted counterpart is present and you will be possibly warned. Furthermore, the DroidCrypt temp folder will be checked carefully.

Open encrypted file Typically, a decryption is done for purposes of a viewing of a file with a subsequent intention, to re-encryped the file afterwards due to confidentiality requirements. The function presented effects a decrypted version of an encrypted file that is placed in an DroidCrypt temporary folder for the purpose of viewing the file with common applications (e.g. PDF reader for PDFs). In contrast to the normal decryption function, originally encrypted file remains, while the decrypted version for viewing is destined for deletion afterwards. The functionality described here is also available through external calls, where encrypted files are initially sent to DroidCrypt by using the "Send to" option.

Report The encryption and decryption of files and folders can be very large depending on the amount of data. Therefore, the subsequent report provides a review of taken actions. A report is divided into six categories: 1. Successfully processed files, 2. General errors, 3. Ignored files, because those are already encrypted/decrypted, 4. Ignored files due to a desired abortion, 5. Ignored files due to specific errors (for example, existing write protection) and 6. General warnings. Reports can be exported via the corresponding menu item (the corresponding location can be specified in the settings). A report is available for some time and can be deleted via the menu to meet user’s security requirements (you can see a red diagonal line that indicates that currently no report can be accessed).

Exit Quit the application. Quitting DroidCrypt by using this button effects that the temporary folder is emptied and other cleanup tasks are triggered.


* Recursive, fast and efficient en-/decryption of entire folders or individual files using AES
* Encrypts images, videos, music, PDFs, documents or any content
Viewing contents of encrypted files as usual through standard apps, while DroidCrypt mediate between viewer app and encrypted file – the file remains encrypted afterwards
* Receiving tasks via external file manager or other applications such as Gallery by Send to
* Synchronization with standard media tools such as Gallery – Consideration of cached images and thumnails
* If desired: Resistance agains data recovery tools, Wipe decrypted files after encryption in order to prevent data recoveries with external tools
Identification of relevant encrypted files based on chosen password, so any parent folders can be selected
* Encryption in combination to a compression (optional) in order to save your memory
* Automated securing that encrypted and not encrypted data are never present at once (and vice versa)
* Orientation-based generation of a path as an additional alternative to passwords
* Detailed visualization of encryption and decryption results
Comprehensive and effective data analysis, especially for detecting non-encrypted files
* Best possible faile-safe encryption and decryption of files: your files are safe even in the case of Android OS crash during the en-/decryption process
* Strong focus on applicability as well as usability

Minimum requirements regarding Android permissions:
-Full version: Access to the SD card and permission to check the Android Market License
-Trial version: Access to the SD card and Internet access for inclusion of advertising contents

Available languages: English, German

Requirement: Free file manager IO File Manager must be installed in order to enable comfortable folder/file selection.
And much more …

What’s New:
Trial version: extended maximum trial period to 31.03.2014

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