Download Drawing Forever by Helena Stone (.ePUB)+

Drawing Forever (Podlington Village Romance #7) by Helena Stone
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 552 kB
Overview: I’m hiding from the past, he’s looking for a future. Could it be with me?

Two years ago, Rob Master fled his old life and started from scratch in Podlington, determined not to repeat past mistakes. People can’t hurt him with facts they don’t know, so he keeps his attraction to men and his love of drawing a closely guarded secret. People see him as the stand-offish barman in The Miracle of Magic, and that suits him just fine.

After years as a successful model in the glamour industry in America, Darren Grant is more than ready for a change. The problem is that he has no qualifications. An extended holiday to Podlington in England might just bring him the clarity to figure out a way forward.

Rob is shy and withdrawn, Darren outgoing and edgy. Despite the differences, the attraction between them is undeniable. But even after Darren volunteers to help with the organisation of the Podlington Art Fest, there’s an end date to his stay in England. Are Rob’s first chance at love and Darren’s hopes for a new future doomed, or will Podlington provide the miracle they need to draw a future…together?
Genre: Fiction > Romance, MM


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