Download Dragonseers and Bloodlines by Chris Behrsin (.ePUB)

Dragonseers and Bloodlines by Chris Behrsin (Secicao Blight Book 2)
Requirements: epub reader, 556 kb
Overview: Note: to celebrate the launch, Dragonseers and Bloodlines is on promotion at 99 cents until 25th November. After that date, it’ll return to full price.
In the age of airships, dragons and automatons, parenthood has never been so hard.
It’s two years after Pontopa Wells escaped from King Cini’s palace and became a dragonseer in the secicao addled Southlands.
Now, Pontopa has all the responsibility of being a parent to her old mentor Sukina’s son, Taka, and she doesn’t know how to handle it. On top of that, she feels that she needs to train to become as heroic as Sukina was, and she never feels she can live up to the task.
But when Taka goes missing, Pontopa must step up to the plate and learn what it truly means to accept responsibility and become a dragonseer.
With jungles, nomadic tribes, a rich and twisty plot, much-loved arrogant entrepreneur Faso Gordoni, and automatons galore (both old and new), the much loved Dragonseer adventure continues in Dragonseers and Bloodlines.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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