Download Dragon’s Avarice by Corey Blanchet (.ePUB)

Dragon’s Avarice by Corey Blanchet (Kraedal Dragonlords Book 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 541 KB
Overview: Saskia is not a delicate flower to sit ideally in a gilded window box. Can her thorns save herself, her mate, and her kingdom?
The last thing Saskia expected to find was a dying dragon and a captivating mage, yet fate, it seems, has bound the three together. Saskia is not a docile little flower to sit pretty beside a gilded window in an opulent castle. She will not stand behind any male, gorgeous though he may be. She is a woodwalker, a fighter, and a force of nature. And that isn’t going to change.
Foolish Telzen risked everything to clear his head, nearly losing his dragon in the process, but what he finds in the forest brings the fabled Allegorian Scholars from their dusty halls with a prophecy both glad and dark. The dark-haired woodwalker rests at the heart of all, his included. Can he allow her freedom while keeping her safe? Or will his avarice destroy everything?
Genre: Erotic


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